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Realize Your Unique Vision

When standard options just aren't enough, look to Infinity From KI.

Infinity From KI is a design process that results in an all-new product reality. It empowers you to create bold, new, personalized solutions that are value engineered from the start to be exactly what you imagine they could be. Explore the unlimited possibilities that can be generated through the Infinity From KI process.

Let's Talk

No one works like you. No one looks like you.

Your spaces and environments speak volumes not just about what you do, but who you are. Infinity From KI can help you make impressive statements in limitless ways.

And it simply starts with an idea.

Introducing Infinity From KI 

Vision to Reality

Modified & Co-Created Solutions


The Design Space Continuum

Infinity From KI is a process by which you and the KI design team exchange ideas, understand objectives and continually tweak ideation to result in new discoveries. It’s how we take a kernel of an idea, promptly turn it into 3D renderings and rapidly prototype it. It’s an entirely flexible and fluid process, one that’s inherent to KI.


Choose Your Path

The journey to developing the right new solution can follow one of two paths in our design-space continuum:

Modification or Co-creation

Modified Products

A modified product is altering an existing KI product to create a more original solution, one that uniquely satisfies a need. Modification satisfies a very specific requirement identified at the outset of a project—whether that’s creating a unique function, designing a custom aesthetic, reducing footprint, shaving off cost and more.

Co-Created Products

A co-created product solution is a completely new idea designed specifically for you or your client in full collaboration with KI. It requires working in partnership on concepts and creating an entirely new, differentiating or proprietary solution from scratch—one that’s totally unique to your space or brand.

Learn More

Take a deeper dive into our Infinity From KI program with this comprehensive white paper.







Infinity From KI in Action

Ignite your inspiration! Check out the following projects and product solutions made possible by Infinity From KI.

Let's Talk Infinity From KI

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